Saturday, December 26, 2009

I want to get blue highlights. how do i convince my parents?

i'm 12 years old. i think that i am very mature. and please no comments saying that i'm only 12 and that i'm not old enough to get highlights and stuffI want to get blue highlights. how do i convince my parents?
Hmm... try using a temporary dye. You can find them at any beauty supply store. They come in a bunch of colors, including blue. They wash out after a little while, but you can keep doing it. At least then your parents know they will wash out. Or, you could try clip in highlights. The clip into your hair, and come in blue.I want to get blue highlights. how do i convince my parents?
god like all of you people are like retard

stop saying they're ugly

like seriously

i had temperary blue highlights and they were amazing just because it's not a natural haircolor doesnt mean its ugly

just tell your parents your willing to work for it to get it done and everything Report Abuse

They have good clip ins at Hot Topic =] most of them are $10 or under! Report Abuse

i'm fourteen, i started dying my hair with a natural dye when i was twelve. so excuse me for this but you are WAY too young to make a decision like that. putting any chemical on your hair changes it forever, until you grow it out. plus the blue will more likely than not fade to green, as it's impossible to put it on anything but either natural or bleach blonde hair. so, i say get hair mascara and use that.
i got blond highlights when i was 11.

they grew out and my mom dyed about 2 inches wide from the top down on the sides.

but it seems like i can only get natural colors.i asked for green %26amp; blue and my mom %26amp; dad said no.

i dont think there is really a way to convince them.but i got a coon tail with out telling them.i got in trouble =but its like whatever its done.
my friend is exactly your age and she just got blue highlights!

her parents let her because she promised that she would dye it back when summer is over. they look really good on her. i think its a really good idea!
um well it depends on wat color ur hair is and wat type of blue u want to put in it so maybe u can tell ur parents ur only going to get small blue streaks in ur hair instead of huge 1's
blue highlights are ugly
don't ! not because your too young, but what girl in the right mind would want something as ugly as that?
they're ugly
dont, there ugly
tell them youll pay 4 them your self

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