Saturday, December 26, 2009

What color do blue highlights fade to?

So I'm going to get highlights for my hair tomorrow and I can't decide which color. My favorite color is blue though, so I was thinking about that.

They'll bleach the sections for the blue and then color them, but after time the color fades (I did purple which faded to pink which faded to the blond) so I want to know what color blue fades to so I'm not stuck with like...gray.

Please answer! :DWhat color do blue highlights fade to?
it turns greenish , then a kind of yellow because of the bleach. After a wee while its not nice because the colours went. If you kept getting it done everytime it fades then it should be okay.What color do blue highlights fade to?
yellow greenish well that what my freinds' faded too and she had brunette hair soooo yeah :]
Well my friend had brown hair, and the blue faded to grey then slowly to a weird blonde. sorry :( but if you bleach your hair it might last a little longer

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