Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I want to get blue highlights in tips of my fringe and in the tips of back of my hair,how to do this properly?

Would I have to bleach it?

My hair is dark dark brown by the way.

Will this turn green?, would I be better with dark purple?I want to get blue highlights in tips of my fringe and in the tips of back of my hair,how to do this properly?
It's a hard question, i would ask a hair dresser but i would bleach it frist then carfuly add the blue or dark purple in to the hair i think dark purple would be much better or a hot electoric blue x xI want to get blue highlights in tips of my fringe and in the tips of back of my hair,how to do this properly?
My cousin had his done,like daht..

buht it turned qreen. and he cutted it

and had it done like,Put navy blue on it,

then bleach'll turn out like reqular blue..

he has black hair also

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